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Board of Health

COMING SOON certain BOH applications can be applied and paid for online. Watch this space for when the applications listed below become available.

Septic System Construction Permit 

Temporary Food Establishment Application

Title 5 Submittal 

Food Establishment Application, for food service establishments, caterers, limited food handling establishments, and residential kitchens

Food Plan Review Application, for new food establishments, food establishments that are changing ownership and remodeling food establishments


Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. Please contact the Board of Health office for the login details.


 Name Title Term
Dr. Peter Roman
Dr. Randall Ferrell

George Smith



Name Title
Matthew Tanis, REHS/RS      Regional Environmental Health Agent

Roles & Responsibilities

The Board of Health is responsible for protecting groundwater from contamination, protecting private and public water supplies, ensuring dwellings are fit for human habitation, preventing epidemics and the spread of disease through measures such as vaccinations and quarantine, protecting against environmental hazards, inspecting food, enforcing DEP regulations on the disposal of wastewater (Title 5), enforcing EPA/DEP regulations on preventing pollution from air, water, solid waste and toxic wastes, enforcing regulations to control noise pollution and so on. This is not a complete list but covers the major areas of BOH activity.

Wrentham's Board of Health, like all boards of health in Massachusetts, derives its authority directly from the Mass. General Court and serves as the local arm of both the Mass. Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

The Board of Health provides many application forms for health related permits.