Planning & Community Development Department Projects
The Wrentham Planning & Community Development Department carries out many projects in coordination with other Town departments, boards, and committees. These projects can range from transportation infrastructure projects to the development of zoning proposals.
Below is a list of projects that the Department is currently involved in. Select the links to bring you to that project's page.
The Town recently submitted and was approved for their Prioritization Plan (Tier 2). The Town is now eligible to apply for funding from the State to implement those identified improvements.
Working with DPW and Fuss & O'Neill to complete a road and stream crossing assessment and prioritization plan as required in the Town's MS4 permit.
This project includes researching existing and future development in the Downtown to determine the benefits and effects of constructing a shared wastewater treatment facility for the downtown businesses.
This project includes collecting data to determine the Town's options for the future of this dam. Eagle Dam was identified as an area of concern in the Town's 2018 Municipal Vulnerability Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The Town of Wrentham recently adopted the 2030 Master Plan. The plan was last updated in June of 2004.
This project includes creating zoning to allow for Multi-family homes as-of-right in accordance with Mass. General Law Chapter 40A, Section 3A.
In an effort to clarify, streamline and optimize the Zoning Bylaw the Town will undertake a multi-phased project to update the Town's land use regulations that were originally adopted in the 1960s and amended.